Minggu, 18 September 2022

How to Attract Indonesians Attention

In the era of digital information as it is today, digital media such as Instagram, Youtube, Facebook, Twitter are growing rapidly as if to become a second place that replaces social fabrics in society.

This media can be a place to collect coffers for those who are sensitive, namely by taking advantage of fame, for example becoming a Youtuber (Influencer). Youtubers are not only dominated by local people, but there are also many foreigners Youtubers who "understand" the characteristics of our nation and they enter this "business".

For example, Indonesian people really like Caucasians, East Asians (Japan, Korea) who publish Indonesian-language Youtube, most of them talk about their culture in Indonesian or those who study Indonesian culture, eat snacks in Indonesia, wear Indo high school uniforms, and even until some become Muslim and Muslimah, and drastically change their appearance, for example: Ayan* Jih**. Of course we are very happy and proud of them as if they provide great support or recognition for us. But on the one hand, with increasing popularity, it seems as if they make this "popular moment" to earn money (eg viewers and subscribers) from Indonesia. Making books, being endorsements of Indo products, and so on, is getting more and more messy.

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Why don't they make Youtube in their own language? because the viewers will be few, no one will watch them. It has always been like that in Indonesia, artists who are rapidly rising are also artists who have mixed blood (Dutch, German, French, Japanese, etc.). This is what these outside youtubers / influencers really catch and understand and they invade Indonesia and "serve and satisfy" the things that our society really likes.

Hopefully, their intentions are sincere in studying the culture and religion in our country. Not for bad purposes. So that their channel will be better and of higher quality, and hopefully Indonesian Youtubers will produce more and more quality works as well. Not a mocking event and making moral degradation done to increase the number of Viewers.

Advance the creative industry in Indonesia.

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